History of Menard and Mason Counties,
Illinois, 1879, by Miller &
Allens Grove Township
Page 837
SAMUEL BIGGS, farmer and stock
raiser; P. O. San Jose; was horn in Clermont Co., Ohio, June 13. 1834; in the
fall of 1856, moved to Delavan, Tazewell Co., Ill.; he worked at farming by the
month; went to Pike's Peak in 1859; there he made no money. July 7, 1860, he
married Elizabeth Brown; she was born in England Oct. 1, 1838, and came to the
United States with her parents, an infant; they have had four children, viz.,
Oliver S., born May 6, 1861; Matilda A., March 6, 1864; Agnes E., Dec. 3, 1866,
and Jennetta, Jan. 14, 1873; she died Aug. 20 following. Mr. Biggs enlisted in
Co. H, under Capt. William M. Duffy; assigned to 108th I. V. I. Aug. 12, 1862;
engaged in the various battles and marches up to March 29, 1863, when he was
discharged on account of disability (he had the measles); he held the post of
Orderly Sergeant from the organization of the company; he arrived home in April;
engaged again working for wages and renting land; when he returned from Pike's
Peak, had spent his last dollar; today he owns a fine home and farm of 350
acres, free and clear from debt; after his return from the army, he was not able
to do any manual labor for a year.Maintained by Mason County
Coordinator Donna Mayer